Every year, Healthmark sponsors the Decontaminator of the Year Award for IAHCSMM. This award recognizes one nominee who submits an outstanding paper on the topic of decontamination. Nominees nominate themselves by submitting a paper that demonstrates the importance of decontamination in healthcare.
The Decontaminator of the Year Award was established in honor of Anne Cofiell, who served as the IAHCSMM representative to AAMI where she chaired numerous working groups. Cofiell also authored many articles and spoke on Central Service (CS) topics at IAHCSMM conferences and numerous educational programs around the country. She advocated on behalf of the CS profession for the regulation of reuse of single-use devices.1
Healthmark recognizes the hardworking and talented people in decontamination who play a key role in the reprocessing of medical instruments, keeping patients safe. The recipient of this award will be recognized at the 2018 Annual Conference and Expo, and will receive a plaque and a monetary award. Be sure to take a moment to nominate yourself!