Now that we’ve begun the second month of the new year, have you made your educational goals for 2020? Yearly educational goals are a great way to stay on track to enhance your knowledge. Educational goals can include the following:
1. Initial certification in SPD
2. Additional certifications in either SPD and/or Endo
3. Going back to school for your AA, BS, or Masters
4. Learning a new language
5. Reading more articles, books & journals
Adding educational goals can be hard, especially if you work full-time in SPD, Endo, or the OR. Our jobs can be demanding on our minds and bodies. The exact demands are determined by our position, shift, leadership, and workload.
Finding time to add educational needs in a day can be challenging, but the rewards can be worth the additional stress. Working day shift, I would study in the morning before work. This is a lot better than after work or toward the end of the night when you are exhausted from the day. This would be the same for other shifts as well and means understanding when you are more alert and have the most energy.
Adding children to the equation can be even more daunting, but the struggle and the example you are setting for your children is worth the reward. I had to change my study time to the evening after my daughter went to bed, adding a strong cup of coffee to the study routine!
My advice for adding educational goals for the year is not to overwhelm yourself and have realistic expectations for yourself. Also, you need to have a cushion of time for when things come up like vacations, overtime at work, and family issues. Drive, structure, and keeping to your timelines are important, as well as a positive attitude.
I am currently in my second year of my BS in Communication with a certificate in Marketing and am doing well balancing work, school, family, and an 8-year-old daughter. There are days that I feel tired and not in the best spirits but continuing my education and setting the example for my daughter picks me back up again!