Strange What You Read On An Airplane : While traveling, one seems to collect lots of stuff to read or at least I do. As I boarded my flight to leave Albuquerque for home (Detroit) I had lots of reading material from the IAHCSMM meeting that I had just attended. I was sure I would not have to read anything else. Well, the front of the Delta Sky magazine for May had a picture of the dog from the movie The Artist on the cover and I just had to open it up and read about this dog. As I leafed through the magazine they had a special feature section on distance learning. Within that section they have an article called Training Games. It was about how computers and games are being used now as a tool to teach. It got me thinking how we have used the concept of games for our educational programs at Healthmark. I had one of those "'warm fuzzy feelings", after I read the article that we are on the right track when it comes to trying different ways to provide educational material. When it comes to education I feel we at Healthmark are doing our best to share knowledge to improve our customers skills so they can provide the best care possible to their patients. Oh, about that special evening in Paris I was talking about a few weeks ago. Well, they say "April in Paris is for lovers" in my case it was. I got engaged to a wonderful lady named Maryjo in Paris on a boat at night in front of the Eiffel tower.


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