Top 5 Buzz Words for CSSD 2012
Everybody makes lists for one reason or another. Just watch any popular entertainment show or late-night talk show and you'll hear a top 10 list about a new topic.
Being in the healthcare field since 1975 in one capacity or another, I've heard many words come and go each year and it seems somebody is creating a list of "Buzz Words" for just about every industry. In fact, we posted a story on the Top 12 Buzz words for Healthcare in 2012.
Therefore, I felt that CSSD should have a list of "Buzz Words" for 2012.
I have come up with my Top 5 CSSD "Buzz Words" for 2012.
Here they are:
Cleaning Verification
Loaner Instruments
Class 6 Chemical Indicators
Following IFU
I personally could have come up with more but I think these 5 are enough to start the conversation.
I am interested in what you think are good "Buzz Words" for 2012 in the area of CSSD.
Please email us your "Buzz Words" for 2012 and we will share them with you in a follow up story.