Education any place, any time.
As we began the New Year, I was looking at some figures we've kept at Healthmark and I was amazed by how, in 2011, we provided 2,486 certificates (CEUs) for education from our Internet games alone (visit for more details). I would like to thank all of you for participating in our educational games and let you know we do have more planned for 2012, so stay tuned.
I also want to thank both IAHCSMM and CBSPD for granting us the CEUs for these programs.
My topic for this week is education any place, any time. In addition to reviewing the Internet game certificates, I looked at my speaking schedule and I was astonished that I've spoken to over 2,500 people in the last year. This figure does not include Ray Taurasi, and Diane Gosser's speaking numbers. You then add to that number what our Healthmark representatives have done at various hospital departments around the country; the amount of people we are in contact with is astonishing when it comes to education.
Education is one of the keys to improving the delivery of quality care. We do our best to educate our customers on guidelines and standards, how to apply them to their work as well as our products to help in improving their process and the outcomes of the patients they serve.
On a personal note, if you're looking for some International Education I will be speaking in Paris at the ASEPTIC SURGERY FORUM, 2012, April, Tuesday 3th & Wednesday 4th, Paris, Espace Champerret (International Expert Meeting on Good Surgical Practices and Technological Innovations to Prevent and Cure Infections).
Here is the link to the program:
Remember "Knowledge is power" but the "Real power is when we share our Knowledge with others".
I look forward to when our paths might cross at many of the meetings I will be attending. Until then, always remember to "Keep it Clean".