Instrument Protection :
We all have broken some type of item at one point or another. Whether it was of monetary or sentimental value, nobody likes having something that is no longer of use . While cleaning at home the other day, I accidentally broke my "Best Man" wine glass from my best friend's wedding. Thinking back, I should have kept it in a safe place and taken better precautions to protect it.
Delicate instrument damage means lost revenue and expensive repair for healthcare facilities. Instrument protection systems are designed to hold and protect instruments during sterilization, storage and transportation. When thinking about instrument protection, one of the most important areas on surgical instruments that needs to be protected are the tips.
Using instrument guards, like Steriguard Tip Protectors are a great way to protect surgical instruments. They are designed to protect during and after the sterilization procedure. The products with flow-through vents allow for full contact of the sterilant, yet they can protect tips and edges from breaking and chipping.
Another method is to use instrument foam. Foam products come in various designs, including pouches, sheets, anchors and other designs. When choosing a foam protector, be sure to select one that is compatible with the method of sterilization for that instrument. Open cell foam products are designed for use in steam sterilization. Closed cell foam products are designed for use in gas-plasma sterilizers.
When you are designing a process within your department, make sure you think about how you are going to protect your surgical instruments during sterilization, storage and transportation. Surgical instruments are one of the biggest assets a hospital has and using the appropriate means of protecting them is critical to patient care and is cost effective.