Can hardly believe it, but it was just a year ago we decided to produce and publish a newsletter. The idea was to capsulize for our customers information related to instrument reprocessing and all the tangential issues, including cleaning, disinfection, sterilization, process control, validation, etc. A snappy but focused newsletter, we hoped would be of value to our readers.
A year later we have over 3,000 regular readers. Early on we tried a twice weekly publication, but based upon feedback, we migrated to a once a week publication and offered "real time" updates - news bulletins that are sent whenever a key news event occurs. We summarize those events in our weekly letter and often the focus of the editorial reflects the key headlines from the week before.
Just in the last month we have added a Twitter feed to our web site. If you visit, or subscribe to hmarknews on Twitter, you can get the real time updates as they are posted.
We'd like to get better in year two. Usually we include in our newsletter a helpful tip for you. But this time, we are going to ask for helpful tips from you. Please share any ideas you have for improving the Healthmarket Digest and/or the Real Time Updates. Finally, in the "coupon section" we'd like you to take a quick poll, and tell us how many industry newsletters you subscribe to on a weekly basis.
Thanks so much for being a loyal reader. We hope we can earn your loyalty in year two and beyond!